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Skin Icon issues!


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hi everyone


okay so i'm buidling a few skins for my clan and i've got them working in ModView, got them working in the game, everything works fine, accept for one thing...the skin icon doesn't appear in the player window, it'll apear int he corner of the screen when X is in the lead, but NOT in the player window...


i've got 3 skins at the moment doing this, and i jsut tell the guys using them to console it, but that's so....icky, i'd rather have these things visible to everyone


how do i fix this?! help!


thank you

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k since they show up in game this might not be the prob but check anyway:


1. icon must be 256X256 and 24bit jpeg file

2.must be named icon_default


check it out and tell me more about the file and ill probably be able to figure it out! another possibility which im guessing its not is if u have more than 99 skins in you base folder.

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okay, now on other skins i've done that have just over witten othr skins (i did a little work on the skin for the Dash Rendar model) the icon shows up even if i do save it in photoshop at 28kb (i have the option of 14, 28 and 56 i think)


aside from that they're perfectly conformed to your 2 checkpoints, this only seems to happen when i make the pk3 myself not when i edit another

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