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Information about the computer used to demo Galaxies...


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Hey, I'm planning on getting SWG when it comes out. Right now I'm running a Pentium 3 1.0 gig processor with 256 MB of RAM. I'm getting DSL within the next few weeks and I'm going to get a better video card soon- likely a GeForce 3 Ti 200. But to the point of my question- can someone point me to the specs that SWG was demo'd on? I know it was running a 1 gig processor and a GeForce 3 but I need to know some specifics so I can know what to buy. thanks everyone

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Well the last e3 Starwars Galaxies was tested on a GeForce 3 TI. But I know the beta testing specs here they are if u wondered


* Pentium III, 1 GHz processor or higher

* Hard drive: 1.5GB free space

* 256 MB RAM or higher

* Windows 98/2000/XP

* ISDN or broadband connection (DSL, cable modem)

* GeForce2 or higher, or ATI Radeon 7000 or higher

* DirectSound compatible sound card


I got that in my e-mail when i signed up for beta and was chosen but I declined b/c I couldn't pay because I didn't have a credit card at that time. Note that was beta 2 specs

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Originally posted by DarkGremio

Well the last e3 Starwars Galaxies was tested on a GeForce 3 TI. But I know the beta testing specs here they are if u wondered


* Pentium III, 1 GHz processor or higher

* Hard drive: 1.5GB free space

* 256 MB RAM or higher

* Windows 98/2000/XP

* ISDN or broadband connection (DSL, cable modem)

* GeForce2 or higher, or ATI Radeon 7000 or higher

* DirectSound compatible sound card



Erm.........if this game is going to be available to people using a 56k connection, why would they not invite testers with such a connection??????????

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