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Finishing Move


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ill try to describe it like this.



stand still.


hit attack once.

you will notice that he swings the saber with one hand, then brings the other hand up to grip the handle, just before the saber is on its way down.


just as the other hand is about to grab the hilt, push forward/jump/attack all at the same time.


once you master this, you can try doing it while moving/jumoing etc..


to do it jumping do this: jump, while in the air start the swing, just as you land push attack/jump/forward at the same time.


try also doing various swings, not just a simple downward hack... try swinging sideways, then pushing attack/jump/forward, just as the saber comes in front of you.


if you cant get it to work, then let me know, ill come meet you on a server and show you :D







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