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Should SWGB2 use Warcraft 3 engine


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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

(1) So much anger...


(2) And i'd prefer WC3 over SimCity, which isnt even an RTS.


1 - Where?


2 - I know, I just said SimCity because it was the first 100% 3-D engine that came to mind, and I would prefer not to argue with you about the pros/cons of 2-D buildings.


But SimCity is much better than Warcrap. At least the graphics make sense.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad


The way you hate WC3.....


I'm not angry about it. I'm scornful and filled with disdain for WC3. Playing a game of that poor quality does nothing but give me contempt for the sorry developers.


Most of my previous post was sarcastic jabs at 'sad-but-true' aspects of WC3.



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Originally posted by simwiz2


I'm not angry about it. I'm scornful and filled with disdain for WC3. Playing a game of that poor quality does nothing but give me contempt for the sorry developers.


Most of my previous post was sarcastic jabs at 'sad-but-true' aspects of WC3.




I'm not angry about it. I'm scornful and filled with disdain for AOM . Playing a game of that poor quality does nothing but give me contempt for the sorry developers.



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