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3ds max weighing frustration

ksk h2o

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does anyone else have this following bug or is it just me and my version of 3ds max?


I've been working on a model for some time and am at the stage of tweaking it a little. This means I have allready finished all the weighing, exporting, assimilating etc. and gotten to play around with it in game.


now, this happened the first time I wanted to assimilate and took me a while to figure out it was a bug but hey... got past it, but it's now a very annoying thing.


what im talking about: If I tweak and modify a certain area of my model, say the head, and edit it this way or that, then I tweak the weighing of the head, and export the file, assimilate will give me an error saying vert-whatever-is not weighed in the foot/hand/wherever. Now mind you this model has allready been weighted, exported assimilated, viewed in md3view, played with in game, and I KNOW the foot, which I haven't touched since the last version is wieghed perfectly well.


What I will have to do is go through these body parts again, select the skin modifier, edit envelopes and click thgouth all the bones at least once (dont even need to change any weighing since it's all done) and re-export. So basically just re-view the weighing of every body part to their bones, before exporting.


Very annoying since I basically have to go through the entire body and bones at least once. Even though it is allready weighed, I have to "view" the weighing once over before exporting it for assimilate to accept it.


Not a big problem that keeps me from doing what I want but VERY annoying since every little tweak I make to the model needs to be followed by a complete body weight review even if the tweak had nothing to do with weighing. Annoying and time consuming at least.


Did I make sense? anybody else have this pain in the butt? or is it just me? 3ds max seems to "forget" the info untill I vew it... :(

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