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Dismemberment in MP?

Darth Cannabis

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I have heard rumors of a mod that enables dismemberment in Multiplayer. Does such a thing exist? If it does, how do I start loping of limbs? Do these mods work with all models or just the ones that came with the game? I usually play jedi++v4.3 and I haven't seen any heads lying around yet even though there was something in one of the readmes that suggested it was possible but didn't explain how to get it running. I am really looking forward to dicing up my friends so any help will be greatly appreciated. Lets cut-off some heads. "There can be only one.":evanpiel:

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Dismemberment Multi-player


On the server, set g_dismember to 1. This will allow clients who want to see it to see it.


On each client, set cg_dismember to 1. This allows that client to see the dismemberment.



g_dismember 1-100 (1 is hardly ever, 100 is every time a saber blow of appropriate strength is dealt)


And on the client, cg_dismember 2 will give you full "gore" (limbs, heads, the works)

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