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4.3 Problem Plz help!


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I INstalled the 4.3 JediPlus and Tried to Enable The Dualsabers I keeps saying Unknowcommand So i went to check to see if they were Enabled And they both are.. So how do i turn the bastards on.. and if i need to Redownload it Plz give me a link.. or if anyone knows how to fix this so i can use my dualsabers and dualblade Please Let me know!!!!

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I don't konw if you've tried this but you have to make mod_dualsaber = 1 before you can use the dual sabers. Also you're sabers have to be off when you enable the command. Also, I need help with making my dual sabers different colors. I have created a new post for it. Can someone please respond to it and help me.

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