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Weird Jediplus 4.3 problem.


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What am i doing wrong here?


I go to setup and load jediplus 4.3. Then i start a server and once ingame yoda is small for example and i can use dual and double lightsabers.


However jetpack doesn't work, and some other small things.



Now when my friend hosts one: same problem.



When i join another server that i find ingame, that is running 4.3 everything DOES work.



Hope someone can help me fix this...


thanks !

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Open up the console and type:


0 = Jetpack Unavailable.

1 = Jetpack available; except in duel.

2 = Jetpack always available always.


Type either 0 to disable, 1 or 2.


mod_jetpack 2 to enable Jetpack in-game and duels.

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