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Trandoshans Civ


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that the number of strengths should be more balanced. There are only 3 good naval powers, out of 8. That's why i think mon calamari should be the top priority (not as a secret). they would have horrible jedi, unless they had healers or someting. They would be powerful in sea, comparable to gungans or better. Bad troopers, only 2 civs have bad troopers right now. They should be able to build several buildings in or under the water, i hope they expand the game so all civs can build some things in the water (like turrets).


Mon cals might have good air and fair mechs (maybe they are good because some can travel on water-repulserlift not walkers.

5 civs already had ok hvy. weapons, so thats why i didn't choose them.

I do know that this civ idea is not new.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Phreak: Actually, Trandoshans can regrow limbs, but that's beside the point. And after all, the Wookiees can rip out anyone's limbs, but they're not dominating the galaxy now are they?


But anyway. Trandoshans are a definite no-no, and I think we should declare this thread destr- oops, sorry DMUK, I mean 'off-topic.' :p

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yes, and it takes some time for them to regrow them, they don't just poof and come back.


A wookiee tears a trand's limbs out. What can the trand do now? zippo. The wookiee can crush him or something, or kick it around like a soccer ball, or or.... I'm sure you get the idea....

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actually, I do believe all trands can regrow limbs. Of course it may take an old trandoshan longer to regrow them than a young one.


Um, wookiees have bowcasters, they have some air defence, and In a comic book, Chewie and another Wookiee took on a group of trandoshan slavers and kicked their butts.

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Yeah, all Trands can regrow limbs. They're kind-of like..... um...... starfish.


But still, Wookiees aren't a galactic power. Neither are Trandoshans, really. So the Wookiees are only truly powerful with the aid of the Rebels/New Republic, and the Trandoshans with the Empire.



........ why are we discussing this? I think we can declare this thread dead.

*dances on thread's grave*


So, how are all the monkeys today?

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