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OK i try and try and ive looked threw lots of tutorials but i just cant seem to find a good one on clipping. I try to cut out a part of a wall to make a door shape but i cant seem to get it right. In the past ive just made 3 diff brushes but its starting to be a pain the arse. Help ^-^

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Originally posted by FalloutGod

In the past ive just made 3 diff brushes but its starting to be a pain the arse. Help ^-^


IN the end, doing it that way is easier than using the clip anyway, IMHO. Since the three brushes is what you would end up with after the clipping anyway, it's actually just a little quicker to design it that way and build it that way.




TO use the clipping tool is rather simple. Turn it on, click in two places (where you want to cut the brush, obviously) then do one of two things : either simply hit enter, which preserves the highlighted portion of the brush and deletes the rest, or SHIFT-ENTER which preserves BOTH sections.


For the door, I'd do it thus :


Make two cuts using the shift-enter method. These cuts will be the side of the doorway. Deselect all brushes, ,then reselect the smller of the three new brushes (IE, the one that covers where your door will be). Now, make a third cut at the height you want the top of the door to be.


And done. :)


Hope that gives you what you needed.

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