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First Mission Help


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Ok, I just got this game and I have spent some time on the first mission and have 2 questions.


1. I am in the middle of this mission and I keep dying because apparently my partner (that chick) dies somewhere - I have not seen her for a long time - where is she at? How do I stop this from happening?




2. There is a part where I cross this bridge with red lights and then all starts to shake and the bridge crumbles. Basically I am stuck with no exit on either end - bridge is gone on the other side - I can see in the distance a control room with guys in it.






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The Green Section


There are two ceiling mounted turrets in the room, along with a

small windowed security room with an officer. The turrets will start

shooting you, but there's no need to try and blow them up. Strafe

through the room to avoid them and and move around to the left of the

windowed room. Go through the green-light door, and immediately turn

right to go up in the security room. Kill the officer, and press the

button to turn off the turrets. In either corner of the room you will

find a shield recharger, a shelf with a couple assault rifles, and a

health canister on the floor. go out of the security room and head

straight. Kill the 3 stormtroopers, and then head down the set of

stairs to your left. Go through the door and kill the four troopers in

this room. Near the end of the room, by another set of stairs leading

up, is a security console. Press the button that looks different, and

you will hear and conversation between yourself and Jan, telling her to

come help with the computer. Walk away from the console and wait a few

moments. Jan will radio you and tell you she's under attack from

troopers and needs your help. Doh! Go back out of this room the way

you came, up the small set of stairs and out by the main array again.

You will see two troopers guarding the way back to the blue section.

Kill them and then run down the hallway.






2: after the bridge explodes, it will show a cinematic. when that stops, keep going the only way you can (make sure you don't fall off the edge of the broken bridge)

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