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Unnecessary sounds???


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I hope this is a good forum for this. If not, sorry.


You skin modders often incorporate sounds into your skins right?


I've been doing some sound editing lately and I am finding that although some sounds are included when you download a skin or a model, not all of them seem to be getting used. These include the following:




Gurp1 & 2


Pushed 1,2,&3


Maybe there are more. I have found that some sounds seem to not be replaceable. Footsteps, for example, doesn't seem to be replaceable. I'm guessing that it is set by the map, and not the charactor.


Does anyone know anything about this? I have some sounds I'd like to see used, but it's pointless even to include them in a pk file if the game isn't going to play them. Might as well leave them out and conserve the bandwidth.

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I too am curious what sounds the game actually uses, cause i've never seen a model use "gurp" either. Also, what is the exact method of getting a sound to work? i'm having a terrible time getting my zim's sounds to work, its just kyle sounds, i've tried pretty much everything, is there any tricks i'm missing? I always have to ask others to add my sounds to my models cause for some reason it just doesn't work for me, everything else works but the sounds... its wierd.

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There could be a couple of reasons why your sounds don't work, but I'm guessing it's because you have them in the wrong directories when you zip them. The easiest way to solve this is to unzip a pk file on to your C: drive. It SHOULD make it's own folders. Then open the one called "SOUND".


Here's an example of a directory path to the Battle Droid sounds I've been working with:




My sounds are in the "Misc" folder.


When you zip them up, it's important that you check the option to 'save directory path', or whatever it says. That way everything is in the correct folders. If it's not, then JO can't find your sounds and it just uses the default 'Kyle' sounds.


Hope that made sense.

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Yeah i've tried all that before but for some odd reason it still uses the reborn sounds -- which makes no sense since my zim has nothing to do with the reborn. I've checked all the paths and file names, modified the files too, is there something special about the sounds themselves? or is it perhaps something else i'm missing. I saw some models don't even have a sound cfg file and they use custom sounds just fine, it just doesn't make any sense why my sounds don't work.

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Hey. Well nobody is going to answer my question, so I might as well help you with yours. ;)


I don't know that the sound config file does anything. JO seems to give preference to any pk3 file residing in the base directory over it's stock sounds. For example, I'm doing a saber sound modification, and all it is is sounds in a pk3 file. But JO uses them instead of the regular sounds when that file is in the base directory. This is nice. JO was obviously set up to take MODs without altering anything internally.


I mention this because, as I said in my former post, the sounds MUST be located in the proper directory for JO to find them. I don't mean the base directory where you put the PK3, I'm refering to directories within the PK3. You can't just drop sounds into a PK3 file, they MUST be in the correct directory. Also they obviously need to be NAMED correctly as well. You might want to double check that.


Hopefully you've done this correctly already. I just mentioning it again because it's probably a common problem and the fix is rather easy once you know what the problem is.


Assuming you are beyond that, and everything is cool but the sounds still don't play, then I would start looking at the sound format.


JO reads two types of sound files (that I am aware of)


1 MP3



The WAV format is the single most popular sound format out there -at least for the PC. Just about everything will read a WAV file. MP3 is a better format to with in JO because it is a compression format (think in terms of a ZIP file), it makes big files smaller -which means they take up less RAM, hard disk space, download time. The trade off is sound quality. But trust me, this is NOT an issue with a computer game. You will never know the difference. So go with MP3 instead of WAV.


The other thing you need to be aware of for either format is the sample rate, and the bit rate. This is simple, because JO only does one, and it is 44.1KHz and 16-bit.


If the sounds are at 22KHz and 8-bit, they'll be smaller but JO won't play them. So they will have to be converted. Any sound editing software should be able to do this. Go to http://www.cooledit.com and get the demo if you don't have an editor to use. I use Cool Edit all the time, it's a great sound editor and worth it's price.


Those all of the reasons I can think of that your sounds would not be playing. This got a little wordy, but I was hoping others might gain some info out of it as well. If you are still having problems, it's REALLY likely that you did something wrong and need to re-check or re-re-check that it's nothing I mentioned above. Then PM me and I'll see if I can help.

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Well thanks for all the info on the sound files but, the sound.cfg does make a diffrence, the sound.cfg has the path to the sounds, if you edit a bespin_cop and just make a new sound folder and name it <name> and then zip it up, it will use the bespin_cops´s sound since the sound.cgf tells JO where the sounds are located. This is only with player models, not weapons/sabers.

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