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xMod v1.1.0 :: A Jedi Knight 2 Server Extension RELEASE

=X=Master HeX

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xMod was developed to repair certain bugs and annoyances in Jedi Knight. In the process we have

created a collection of admin commands to make your life easier as an administrator. I have also

included new features that our clan has requested to aid us in practice, tryouts, and matches.


== New in v1.1.0 ==

- Client number AND name matching for all admin commands (ie. x_cfreeze =x=mast)

- gc auth subadminpassword to give players access to the subadmin commands (ie. sc freeze bob)

- Ability to enable and disable all sub admin commands individually via a single variable

- A new fancy death animation for getting kicked in the face (victim does a back flip)

- Ability to turn off the 'look at attacker upon death' function currently in the game.

- Team join quotes (placed in a file called authquotes.txt) say a quote for either authed people or just everyone when they join a team other then spectator

- Bug fixes for x_clist to crop long names and send more then one client at a time to prevent loss of data.

- Client's IP now stays in x_clist when the map changes

- Repaired a bug in x_cmute to keep the player muted even when they die

- Introduced zone files and the ability to display your text location, which can be defined by the server admin, in teamsay (ala RTCW - (=X=Master HeX): (bridge) I need help!)

- Added the ability to use #loc or #location as quick chat replacements if the server allows it.

- You may now set the ammount of duels allowed on the server at once (-1 for unlimited)

- Duels may now take place in team games. Flagcarriers can not duel unless the teams are tied (then they can duel each other)

- You may set the ammount of health duelers start with as well as the health award they get if they win

- Ability to divide kick damage

- Now able to change the damage a thrown saber does

- IPs are now logged in the log file

- Captures and returns are now listed in the log file for xAdminBot

- Ability to page admins if xAdminBot is running on your server

- You may now set the ammount of time the MOTD is displayed centerscreen

- x_csay has been changed to use x_csay <seconds to display msg> <message>

- We've included a dummy.pk3 to allow the mod to show up inside the mod's menu

- New rcon command to change a person's name

- Rcon command to speak to a certain team

- New duel cvars to allow duels in team modes (between flag carriers when teams are tied)

- New duel cvars to allow a certain number of duels at once

- Rcon command to randomize the current teams

- Added rcon feature to change people's names

- MOTD only shows the first time someone connects and joins a team

- Ability to change the damage kick and saber throw do

- Log file additions to support xAdminBot (an IRC server tool for linux)

- New addition of the saber spin taunt emote


Get xMod at: xmod.cat5camp.com


Comment/Suggestions: xmod@cat5camp.com

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