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Problems Making NPCs

Lord Tnuc

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Okay. I've been tinkering around a bit with the npcs.cfg file for awhile...and I just finally realized that you could indeed create new npcs with that file. My problem...I basically copy and paste a jedi/tavion's info and edit the name, file name and whatever to whatever fits...I used Cheshire's Vader model..but when I got in-game and spawned him..it gave a bunch of overflows, and he held a blaster rifle. Anyone know how to get him to use a lightsaber, and what style?

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This is my first post in this formum, but here goes. For vader, name the character rebornvader, or jedivader. Make sure you use the appropriate class, (reborn or jedi). Try experimenting with the settings for aggression, evasion, etc. to get different fighting styles. You should also modify your animsounds.cfg file, and the shader files for vader to get everything to work correctly. Caution, there appears to be a relationship between the rank of the player and the class ie, certain classes have rank limits. I was using a reborn class character and changed his rank to captain. This resulted in the saber sound cutting out after a few seconds. After adjusting the rank back to lt, everything worked fine. If you have other NPC pk3 files in your base directory, make sure that they are all using the same NPC file, otherwise you may get conflicts. Hope this helps

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Things I almost forgot: Change the name of the models/players/vader directory to models/players/rebornvader. Use Word to open up the .skin files in the model directory. Seach for vader, and relace the path names to rebornvader. Be careful not to change the texture names.

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I have a bit of a problem w/ NPCs too. I created a new NPC and found, much to my dismay, that the NPC's lightsaber (it's a Jedi NPC) was embedded in its leg. I'm trying to use the Night Elf model because I'm sick of Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda, but it's not working. This kind of stuff doesn't happen in Shem's UltimateMOD, so what's going on here, and how do I fix it?

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Not familiar with the model or the mod you mention, but you might try this. Open up the model_default.skin file for your NPC. Make sure that there are lines listed there for the left and right wrist. Look at the reborn file for an example. You need wrists so that JKII knows where to put the saber. An earlier posting (not sure who made it) explained this and it helped.

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Well, I opened the .skin file in Notepad and there's no lines for the wrist. Where do I add them, and what do I type in them? This is the unaltered .skin:






























As you can see, no wrist lines. Where do I add them, and what do I type?


EDIT: For saber hilts, I found that when I was playing with npcs.cfg, different classes would get different hilts. For example, I'd get a Reborn hilt with a Reborn class, or Luke's hilt with a Luke class. But I don't know how to make them carry custom hilts, like Dooku's curved hilt.

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about the saber-in-the-crotch...make sure the model name is the same as the NPC name (i'm just guessing)...to make the saber hilts JediMod compatible and such, cut all of the non-image (.tga, .jpg) and paste them in a different folder. rename it "saber_kyle" or "saber_irule" or whatever. To change the hilts in SP, do the same, but change the directory to "saber_reborn" :saberr:,"saber_desann" or, to replace kyle's saber, just "saber". :saberb::saberg:

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