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how do i fix a leak!


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I've found this works pretty effectively when placing area portals to new areas of my maps when looking for leaks: First off do a bsp fastvisnolight using whatever radiant you use after making a room or a tunnel and whatnot. This will minimize the number of leaks to look for because you have not made a whole map yet. I made the mistake of making 4 rooms a bunch of tunnels and then looked for leaks which is quite cumbersome.


But anyways, after you compile your map then go back into radiant, there will be that red line. Now press Ctrl + Shift + K, the line will indicate your next leak spot. Just be sure to look EVERYWHERE in the area that the line points out where the leak is, because sometimes it won't be apparent to you right away, but the leaks IS there so look around for it, fix it up, do another bsp fastvisnolight after all leaks have been fixed and you shouldn't get the leak error. Good luck.

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