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Put the Robe on


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Is there a bindable command in the multiplayer game that will allow you automatically toggle skins within a character model. This is because all the recent new jedi models by Toonces have skins with robes and I would love to be able to toggle between them without any fuss.


I'm aware that you can bind it for each individual character.

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make .cfg files to toggle robe on/off.




cfg file 1 (robeon.cfg):

model windurobe\default
bind x "exec robeoff"


cfg file 2 (robeoff.cfg):

model windunorobe\default
bind x "exec robeon"


then, to initiate it, in the console put bind x "exec robeon"

each time you press the button it updates the binding for that key, essentially making it a one button toggle between two models. you could actually expand this example out if you had more and more models.

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Should be, yeah. you could use an almost infinite number of cfg files to keep doing this kind of thing. If you found the right set of commands, you could set up a lightsaber attack chain using scripts like this. I won't go in to detail, but basically it's junk like that that de-fused light-saber combat, making it silly and benign.


It's not exactly morally correct, but, it's not exactly 'cheating' in my book.


I use a structure like this to make my mousewheel zoom in and out, since cg_fov is 'capped' at 20, i zoom from cg_fov 20 all the way out to cg_fov 100. While some might consider this cheating, I haven't encountered a mod that fixed it ;P


I know this info might upset some people, but 'exec'ing cfg files won't be "fixed" *at all* because it's not a problem, it's just a clever way of playing.

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