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Jedi Kaniggits chat

Guest Mace_Windu

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Guest Mace_Windu

Have you all abandoned the chat??? I know much of the regulars such as Plo, Adi, Yoda, Maul and many others havent been there as much. In case some popel may not know the address it is http://jedikanigget.homestead.com/JediPowerBattlesChat.html. I hpe to see you all here.


Note: If the chat becomes overcrowded i will remove this hyperlink so don't be surprised if it is not here next time you check


Sorry for those of you that tried the ink before. I put a period at the end so it didn't work. it should be right now




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

May the force be with you....


[This message has been edited by Mace_Windu (edited April 25, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Thanks for the ad for my chat, Mace. The blairing "Looking for some Live Chat with fellow Star Wars Gamers? Then click here!" at the top of the screen isn't helping my chat any.




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