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Arena Files:

If you are making a MP map, you will now need to create an arena script. An arena script is what tells Jedi Knight 2 where to place your map when they look at their list of maps in the game (at the Create Server screen). Create a blank text file and name it yourmap.arena (replacing yourmap with the name of your map, of course). Then copy the following template:



map "ffa_map"

longname "Map Name"

type "ctf cty duel ffa holocron jedimaster team"



For the map field, put the actul name of your map (i.e. ffa_yourmap). For the longname field, put the text you want to appear in the map list. Be warned, only 25 characters (give or take 5) will fit in the server list without being truncated (cut off). For type, leave whichever gametypes you want and delete the rest. (CTY is Capture the Ysalamiri and FFA is Free for All (Deathmatch) if it didn't seem obvious).


from, rich deisals mapping university :D

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