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Help for map needed


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Hey all....


I have finnaly figured out how to get radiant to work, and have learned most of the basics from Rich Diesal's tutorials.


Alright, now on to buisness.


I'm currently working on a single player map. I call it Escape from Bespin.


The story is that Kyle, Luke, and a Jedi have been captured by Bespin security guards because they killed many Bespin citizins and guards. ( Like on the bespin map in JK2, you have to kill all those guards ). You start off in a prison cell. Luke and the jedi are also in seperate cells next to yours. You finnaly think of an idea to get you out of the prison. You turn around and force push the wall down. ( Like in yavin trail when you force push the wall down) or if that is not possible, I will have the guards come in from the main lobby to check on the Jedi(plural). Then you use a mind trick on one of the guards and have him attack the other guards. When a guard gets killed, you can force pull their gun and take it. Kill all the guards and then a hatch on the top of the cell will open so you can force jump out. You open the door on luke and the jedi's cell and let them out. You continue from there



I am posting here because I am requesting a mapper to assist in helping me make this map. I don't see lots of maps for single player around. I think this is my shot at making my own cool map...


So please if anyone is interested in helping that would be great!


Thanks in advance...



Oh and to contact me, look for my email in my profile. I'll give you directions on how to contact me with an IM program so we can talk.

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