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i got 2 qestion


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1. You made the pool, OK. Now you need to place a brush inside it which will be the water. Cover it with system/caulk. Now put a water shader onto the top and bottom sides of your water brush only.


2. One way to make it is to cut a hole into the floor of your pool with the clip tool (X) then make the tube. You have to fill that with water too. BUT! You have to cut a hole into your water brush too. This is because you need water brushes with water shader on the top and bottom sides only. The sides between the brushes must be covered with system/nodraw. System/caulk is not good there because that makes shadows in the water and you don't want that.


Now you have the hole in the water and the floor and you have the vertical tube. Put in a full height (water height + floor height + tube height) water brush and you are ready.


The rule is simple: never put two water brushes on each other.


I hope this made things clearer for you, however the Rich Diesal tutorial is quite simple I think.

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First cut on one side. Use SHIFT+ENTER to keep both halves.



Then cut parallel to the first one on the opposite side of your hole and press SHIFT+ENTER again. You have now three brushes side by side.



Press ESC two times to exit clipping mode and deselect the brushes and select only the center brush. Cut it on the third side of your hole and use SHIFT ENTER again.



Now deselect everything, select the longer brush and resize it properly.



Now you have a hole (H) in your water. Don't forget to cover the visible faces with system/nodraw.


(Dots are there for spacing only.)

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