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masters of the force


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to the guys that made this mod, i am thankful. this is an excellent mod that still has some order to it rather than chaos. after setting up a server, and playing with a freinds for some time, we had a few complaints about the mod. For one, the force was always depleted when we most needed it, we know that we have discipline ourselves and know when to get into a firefight but the times we ran out of force was overwhelming. Second the alt fire on the flechette always backfired on us and the alt fire for blaster rifle fired at a much slower rate. this might have something to do with the easter egg which we don't think were able to find. but overall, along with jetpack and hydroball, we consider this mod to be one of the few mods to actually carry on some fun for a time. thx in advance, and i hope you consider these conscerns.

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Since players abuse the alt-fire, or just panic and start that alt-fire away - make the spread fire wider, or the damage lessened, or you could make it overheat the blaster or something, and occasionally blow up ... on second thought, people would hate you if you let it blow up.

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