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Single Player In Multiplayer?


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Greetings fellow JKIIers!

I was wondering if it was possible to rip part of a level from single player to add to a multiplayer map I was creating? For example, my clan wants a meeting room/bar map and wanted to use the bar from the Nar Shaadda streets level. Is it possible to do this? If so, how? Thanks for your help!


Happy Holidays,


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You cant do it without the .map file


as far as I know of you can decompile .bsp's into .map's with a decompiler but the one I used doesnt work for JK2 BUT!!! I would not surport the idea of doing what U said anyway the least you could do is take ideas of em but you should create you own


(The only reason I download the decompiler was to learn how Lucasarts did stuff)

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