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jedi vs. merc!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I just stumbled onto this myself, I'd be happy to help you out.


Check your jk2mpconfig file for an entry like this:


seta g_jediVmerc "0"


If it's there, change the "0" to a "1"


If it's not there, then add this line:


seta g_jediVmerc "1"


(You can also pull down the console and type g_jediVmerc 1 and then start/restart a match.)


The next time you create a server, you'll be given the option of Jedi or non-Jedi at join. Jedi come armed only with the saber & can't use any of the powerups (except maybe shields). Non-Jedi, or mercs, come armed with several of the basic rifles - at spawn.


One bit of weirdness that might only be happening to me, is when I start a team FFA game, mixed of both Jedi & Merc bots, the Jedi & Mercs only attack each other - regardless of what team they're assigned to. It was a bit disturbing watching Vader only go after Storm Troopers, especially when I had set them to the same team. I'm probably an idiot, but this took a couple of games to figure out.


As for tweaking bots to only use sabers or NOT to use sabers/force powers; this requires editing the bot script files. Don't worry, it's more tedious than difficult (yes, as far as I know you have to un-pk3 each one & change them) - all you need is a basic text editor like Notepad.


Here's an example of my Jango Fett bot's personality:





reflex 300

accuracy 2

turnspeed 0.01

turnspeed_combat 0.05

maxturn 360

perfectaim 1

chatability 1

chatfrequency 4

hatelevel 4

camper 1

saberspecialist 0


forceinfo 7-2-000000000000000000





















Boba_Fett 2

Battledroid 2


I think the two most important changes here are making sure saberspecialist and everything after the 7-2- under forceinfo is set to 0. This will insure a bot will not use a lightsaber or force powers.


For kicks, you might also want to note the section of "EmotionalAttachments." With the settings listed above, Jango will not attack other bots named Boba_Fett or Battledroid - in fact, he'll be prone to avenge their deaths! Unfortunately, it's my understanding this only applies bot to bots (you can't make a bot friendly towards a human player, short of playing on the same team). But nevertheless, it's still a pretty cool feature. I've started changing many of my bots to take advantage of this. Yoda, for instance, won't attack Clone Troopers & vice versa.


Hope this helps... also, be sure to keep backups of your files before you edit them JUST IN CASE! :)

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Thank you very much for your help!!!


It's great to use this function!!!


I tried this with the bots, but some bots take the saber out, only for a second, then change the weapon!!!

but well..... that's not a problem!!!


by the way, is it also possible, well I write an example:

Think, you are in the player menu, there you can change the character, the saber hilt, the force and if you want to be a jedi or a merc........ what I have to do, when I want, that if I take Luke Skywalker I HAVE TO BE a jedi and when I play now Lando, jango Fett or a Clone Trooper I HAVE TO BE a merc,..... do you know, what I mean?

That when you take the charakter, you cannot choose if you want to play Han Solo as Jedi or Merc,...... I want, that he is a merc and don't have saber and force,........ so that I cannot choose!!


Because for me it's nonsense to play Han Solo with a Saber!!

I only think, because when I play ForceMod with friends...... some take Jango Fett and also play as a Jedi, but that wouldn't be a fair game!!

When he is Jango, then he has the jetpack, but he shouldn't be allowed to be a jedi and use force and saber!!

that wouldn't be a fair play!!!


by the way, do you know anything about the new functions of forcemod 2.0?


well, thank you for helping!!! I can sue many things!!! Thank you very much!!

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Currently I know of no mod or factory setting that will limit Force/saber use based on model choice, such as forbidding players who choose Han Solo from using a lightsaber.


There are, however, a couple of mods coming up to keep your eyes on. One you've already mentioned, ForceMod 2.0 - I'm looking forward to its release too, but sorry I don't know any details except for one - bots such as Jango/Boba will be able to use the jetpack. (That sure will be a lot of fun!)


The other mod worth looking out for is AOTCTC (Attack of the Clones, Total Conversion). The developers have mentioned on the forums of limiting certain models to certain weapons/powers in MP play. This could be exactly what you're looking for.


The best advice I can give for now is to play Jedi vs Merc on your server and get your buddies to agree not to play characters inappropriately. If they do so anyway, then threaten to kick them from the server 'till they behave. Hehe.


(I'm with you; I think it's silly to see Jango or Han with a saber.)


And you're very welcome!

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