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Teleporters? 2


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-Hightlight the brush you want as the teleport

-Right click the grided thing

-Choose trigger, and make it trigger_teleport (near bottom of list)

-Unhighlight the brush (esc)

-Right click again on grid and choose target, and then target postion

-Now unhighlight

-Go back and highlight the teleport brush you made, and press n, enter the key as Target and value Tele1.

-Close the n menu, and unhighlight

-Go to the target_postion, highlight that and press n, enter the key as targetname and value as tele1....


Iv managed to get it to work, but the brush I make as the tele ends up being invisabel in game, I textured it water 2, I dont know if this is the same for other shaders or textures.


Also on the topic of Teleports. Is there an teleport textures out there I and everyone else can use. Iv seen it in the stargate map and some others. If so post a link or your own texture here...


Hope that little guide helps, its the best I can do to explain.

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Try this method:


-Create a brush that you want to trigger the teleport itself, it needs to be big enough for the player to step through.


-Highlight the brush and make it into a "Trigger_multiple"


-Press "esc" and make sure everything is deselected then rightclick for your menu and select "Target_Teleporter"


-press "esc" again to deselect then select the first brush that you created again.


-With the first brush (Trigger_Multiple) STILL selected hold down "shift" and select the "Target_Teleporter"


-With both brushes selected press "ctrl+K" you should see a line connect the two


-Deselect everything again and go to the area you want the player to emerge.


-Right click where you want the player to emerge and select "misc_teleporter_dest"


-Deselect everything again


-Select "Target_Teleporter", with "Target_Teleporter" still selected hold down "shift" and select "misc_teleporter_dest"


-Press "ctrl+k"


That should work:D

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