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well time to ask for venom!!!


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well its christmas day today and iam here in forums asking THEE ABSOULUTE best skinning artist's<--(and you guys are just that!) to make a true to life skin of the all powererful VENOM!!!! i myself am a maul fan and have tonnes of him what suprises me is there isnt any venom skins since he kicks ass!!!!! so here iam asking no begging for one of you skinning gods to make 1 with all the mucles and bad ass attitude VENOM brings to the show so please if theres a mean motorscooter out there willing to make a dream come true PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a venom skin ty and you guys make this game worth playing btw keep up the great work!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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