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how do you bind the flying jump in red stance?


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If you are talking about the Red DFA, then i can see 2 ways of binding it. Both won't do you any good though and i can't see why you'd want to bind it.... but anyways...


the 1st is to bind the whole move to a key, which is pretty stupid, imo, and can really stuff you up as you are frozen in animation of the script:


bind x "+attack*; wait 70¤; +forward; +moveup; wait 2; -attack; -forward; -moveup"


*: do not put this in the script, its only there for reference You can replace "+attack" with any other form of red swing, eg. the straferight+attack swing... "+moveright; +attack;". dont forget to place the "-moveright" later on.


¤: do not put this in the script, its only there for reference You'll need to vary the number here after the wait, to determine the length of time required for the sabre to reach the front of your model's face(the position where you can execute the dfa). 70 is just a rough guess, so this script may not work right away, and the value may need to be adjusted.



the 2nd option, is to just bind the 2 key combination required to be pressed simultaneously near the end of the swing 2 launch the dfa:


Bind x “+attack; +forward; +moveup; wait 2; -attack; -forward; -moveup”


This script will be much more flexible, and effective than the first script, but does little to improve the efficiency of the move, meaning that it does not make the move unplayable.


It also can not be bound in a chain together with other scripts, as it binds only a portion of the whole move, which brings me to the next point. The longer the script, the less effective it is. The more complex anything is, it is more likely that something will go wrong. BY trying to bind several moves to one script on 1 key, will dramatically reduce the flexibility of your play, and the accretion of variables will play against your favour. You’ll require all the factors to be just right to pull off the scipt successfully, and the majority of the time, some factor caused by the randomness of it all, will make your script miss and for the long duration of time, you’re unable to do anything as you are frozen in the movements preordained by the script.

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