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DS Clan (dim Side)


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Who are you to call us garbage? What clan are you with ? How many servers do you run ? We run 5. How many members do you have ? We have over 90. How many regular players does your servers have ? We have too many to count. Do you have rules to protect everybody's rights, and ensure a fair playing enviorment ? We do. Before you strat going off on my clan, get your facts straight.




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I'm not in a clan for simple reasons like that, far too much bickering in JK2 already, you, and {DS} are just adding to it.


Also,what "made" you want to post about {DS} instead of doing something about it,this is the clans forum,not the whining forum.


Oh ya,your link is dead too. :)



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Ok if the link is dead, how do you know what the post was about ? I am trying to stop the drama. Also we are trying to do something about. We are trying to clean up the game so that everybody can enjoy it again. Again get your facts straight before you flame somebody.




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Ummm what are you talking about? Maybe I missed something but they didn't start the bickering it was you and your comments. Also, what blacklisting are you referring to? I don't get anything about your guys' posts. Maybe I am missing something.


He posted the DS clan in the clan forums to get more members (at least that is what I gathered) so what should he do about what.


By the way your link is dead. LOL.


Maybe it is all the sparkling cider getting to my head.



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