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There are three ways of "editing" the animations.


1) You animate the XSI skeleton in 3ds max, process it through carcass or assimilate with certain options ticked/enabled and it will generate a GLM-GLA pair for you. This way you have to recreate all the animations in addition to any new ones you want to add.


2) You ask Raven very very politely about getting you the raw XSI animations file. I've heard that some mod teams (the AOTC total conversion was one of them I think) have the raw animations, although that is only a rumour. I think that Raven mentioned that James Monroe or one of the other programmers at Raven would be coding a GLA to XSI utility although we've heard nothing about that since ages ago.


3) You analyze the GLA format and you program a convertor which will change the compressed 9 mb file it is at the moment into 650 mbs of raw animations which can be edited in XSI (a program that costs US$9000, has a learning curve of a ski-slope, and is very rare).


Those are the only main options you have. Go figure.

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From my discussions with the AOTC Staff, I believe they said they didn't have the raw animation file. I wouldn't believe the rumor. Sides, why would Raven do that and be all secretive about it?


Also, there's a 4th option....


Force the code to accept more than first animation file and use method 1. I believe this is the most likely of the senarioes.

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