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Maul v.s. Vader! What do you think?

Guest Darth Rave

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Guest Darth Rave

I would like to know who you think is a better and more evil Sith Lord. Darth Maul or Darth Vader?


I myself think Darth Maul could kick Vader's ass with a saber. In Episodes 4-6, you never see Vader do any of those nifty and cool saber maneuvers. Although he seems alot stronger in the force than Maul, I think Vader would lose to Maul in an all out battle.

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Guest Darth Rave

I would like to know who you think is a better and more evil Sith Lord. Darth Maul or Darth Vader?


I myself think Darth Maul could kick Vader's ass with a saber. In Episodes 4-6, you never see Vader do any of those nifty and cool saber maneuvers. Although he seems alot stronger in the force than Maul, I think Vader would lose to Maul in an all out battle.

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Flashy moves do not make you a Better fighter. Vader would beat him like a drum.



Strength over Fear...

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Flashy moves do not make you a Better fighter. Vader would beat him like a drum.



Strength over Fear...

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Guest porkins

kylilin is correct. vader was definately more cruel. also, this maul vs vader discussion has been going on forever. it's fruitless because people don't understand that vader was old in ep4 and maul was in his prime in ep1. pit the two against eachother in their primes--and vader would destroy maul, no question.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest porkins

kylilin is correct. vader was definately more cruel. also, this maul vs vader discussion has been going on forever. it's fruitless because people don't understand that vader was old in ep4 and maul was in his prime in ep1. pit the two against eachother in their primes--and vader would destroy maul, no question.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Darth Rave

Ya, I know Darth Vader has destroyed alot of people but since Maul is fresh out of the oven(finished training) he hasn't had a chance to show his power full power.

But still if it were a saber duel to the death it would be the end of Vader.

Think about it. If Maul can take on 2 Jedi and barrely lose because of a cheap slash to the stomach and Vader has trouble fighting 1 not fully trained Jedi, Maul is way better then Vader in saber techniques.

If Maul had of lived the battle on Naboo he would have ruled the galaxy probably as well as Vader or even better!

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Guest Darth Rave

Ya, I know Darth Vader has destroyed alot of people but since Maul is fresh out of the oven(finished training) he hasn't had a chance to show his power full power.

But still if it were a saber duel to the death it would be the end of Vader.

Think about it. If Maul can take on 2 Jedi and barrely lose because of a cheap slash to the stomach and Vader has trouble fighting 1 not fully trained Jedi, Maul is way better then Vader in saber techniques.

If Maul had of lived the battle on Naboo he would have ruled the galaxy probably as well as Vader or even better!

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Guest liquidkid

vader is the chosen one! he has the highest midiclorian count! even bigger than yoda! (sorry, yoda... it's true.) i dont think that maul would be a match for him. true, maul kicks ass... but wait till we see anakin kill the whole jedi council. ... hey... wait a second... there's another reason to be on the UN-council!!! HOORAY!!! THE UN-COUNCIL WINS!!! THE UN-COUNCIL WINS!!!!





p.l.u.r. :D J9K-4-LIFE :D MCL



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Guest liquidkid

vader is the chosen one! he has the highest midiclorian count! even bigger than yoda! (sorry, yoda... it's true.) i dont think that maul would be a match for him. true, maul kicks ass... but wait till we see anakin kill the whole jedi council. ... hey... wait a second... there's another reason to be on the UN-council!!! HOORAY!!! THE UN-COUNCIL WINS!!! THE UN-COUNCIL WINS!!!!





p.l.u.r. :D J9K-4-LIFE :D MCL



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Guest Hannibal

<font color="red">Vader wouldn't even have to use his saber on Maul. He'd choke him from 3 miles away. then get those stupid ewoks to clean up Maul's dead body. Maul couldn't beat Obi-Wan, you think he couldn't even get Vader to break a sweat?</font color>



[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Guest Hannibal

<font color="red">Vader wouldn't even have to use his saber on Maul. He'd choke him from 3 miles away. then get those stupid ewoks to clean up Maul's dead body. Maul couldn't beat Obi-Wan, you think he couldn't even get Vader to break a sweat?</font color>



[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Wizard Magazine had a thing on this. They had it in their Last Man Standing article. Here it is:

Deep in thought within his meditation chamber, Darth Vader senses an odd desturbance in the Force. Unsettled, the Dark Lord emerges from his chamber only to be knocked on his back. Above him, with a devilish grin, stands Darth Maul prepared to strike. He twirls his double-bladed lightsaber and lunges at Vader...who instinctively whips out his blade, blocking the blow. A quick Force shove later, and Vader's up on his feet staring into Maul's intense gaze. Unrelenting, Maul launches a full strike, swinging his blade rapid fire. Sparks fly as Maul outmanuvers Vader, and a kick sends Vader against a cold steel wall. Taunting Vader with his saber, Maul lets loose a "Ha, no contest" grin. And that's all Vader needs. Commmanding the Force, Vader bounces Maul around the room, eventually grabbing him by the neck and running him through. Game over.


I definitely agree, Vader would defeat Maul. "All too easy."




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Wizard Magazine had a thing on this. They had it in their Last Man Standing article. Here it is:

Deep in thought within his meditation chamber, Darth Vader senses an odd desturbance in the Force. Unsettled, the Dark Lord emerges from his chamber only to be knocked on his back. Above him, with a devilish grin, stands Darth Maul prepared to strike. He twirls his double-bladed lightsaber and lunges at Vader...who instinctively whips out his blade, blocking the blow. A quick Force shove later, and Vader's up on his feet staring into Maul's intense gaze. Unrelenting, Maul launches a full strike, swinging his blade rapid fire. Sparks fly as Maul outmanuvers Vader, and a kick sends Vader against a cold steel wall. Taunting Vader with his saber, Maul lets loose a "Ha, no contest" grin. And that's all Vader needs. Commmanding the Force, Vader bounces Maul around the room, eventually grabbing him by the neck and running him through. Game over.


I definitely agree, Vader would defeat Maul. "All too easy."




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Guest Mace_Windu

Vader would make Maul cry like a little girl.




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

May the force be with you....

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Guest Mace_Windu

Vader would make Maul cry like a little girl.




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

May the force be with you....

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Guest CapitalJ

thin about it if it werent for qui gon maul would ahve killed vaders sorry ass, remember when on naboo he about chopped anakins head clean off but qui gon told hi to duck, so maul had the upper had he almost whacked vader as a kid.

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Guest CapitalJ

thin about it if it werent for qui gon maul would ahve killed vaders sorry ass, remember when on naboo he about chopped anakins head clean off but qui gon told hi to duck, so maul had the upper had he almost whacked vader as a kid.

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Guest BigBud

What are you talking about. Whatch Vader fight in Episodes 4-6. He is slow and cant even move his head to look without turning his hole body because of that dumb helmet.


Someone in here said that Vader killed all kinds of Jedi's. WELL please remember my friend, that he had help from assassins, dark jedi's, and bounty hunters. He didn't just kill them all himself.


Let me ask you this. Who whas better in there prime, Obi-Wan, or Luke. Obi-Wan was a way BETTER Jedi, and Luke easily killed Vader. Even in TESB, Vader barily defeated Luke. Now, Obi-wan was better than Luke, and it Took TOW JEDI's at a time to beat Maul, and only Luke to kill vader.


AND REMEMBER how maul died. That was so fake, and pure luck. Vader just plain got beat down.


In Episod 1, Maul flips over obi-wan, and he could bairl turn around to block, and eventually got pushed of the edge. WELL VADER IS SO SLOW, he cant even turn his head without turning his hole body, and would habe died right there.


You also say that VADER IS THE CHOSEN ONE. He was chosen to bring balance to the force, by KILLING THE EMPEROR AT THE END. That doesnt mean he was the greatest, I mean Luke did kill him.


IN THE END Maul is better, even if vader is stronger with the force, because it would only take one flip or move and Vader would be histery. smile.gif

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