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Funny bug


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I was playing the mission in "Clearing the way" where you have to stop the resupply of the Corrupter. I have the strategy guide, and it suggested dumb-firing torpedoes at the frigate Monitor's engines so it wouldn't be able to reach its jump point. I did that, and every torp hit but the engines kept running. So I began to pummel it with linked lasers and ions, and managed to disable it. It started to accelerate anyway, but instead of going into hyperspace, it hit the edge of the map about 23k away and sat there! The rest of the strike force went into hyperspace to get the CTRNS that escaped while I redirected power to my engines to chase down the frigate. When I made it, several TIEs had launched but none of them were moving! I blasted the frigate, and the explosion took out several of the sitting ducks. I picked off the last quite easily, then sped back to the hyper point to the Corrupter. While this was going on, other rebel fighters would occasionally pop in as if you check up on my progress, then hyper back out. When I made it to the Corrupter, there (of course) was nothing to do- except take that baby out! So I pounded its shield generators, and managed to disable it before a squadron of T/As launched. I thought maybe I'd hung around too long as I sped toward the hyper buoy with my shields out and hull badly damaged, and several T/As on my tail. I made it though :) Scored something like 3800 total points on that one.

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