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3rd Person view in Jedi Knight II?


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I was playing duel mode, weapons enabled, and in the "Duel Bespin" level with a bot. When the next round started, I was in 3rd person mode with the Bryar pistol. I was a big fan of Jedi Knight I, and it's ability to switch views, but I've had trouble finding out if the GC version has this option. I find 3rd person mode easier in levels with cliffs. Is there a way?

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Heh, yep. The ability to switch views is in there alright. It's easier on cliffs probably because you aren't guessing as much as to where Kyle's feet are when you can see them in 3rd person mode. And his bounding box probably gives you a little slack as well when in 3rd person.

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I finally figured out what triggers it to go into third person. In a duel level with cliffs, you must wait until the "YOU WIN!" comes up and then jump off the cliff. During the camera's zooming out of the falling player, the continue to the next round screen comes up, you hit the fire button, and you're in third person view. Kinda odd if you ask me.

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