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Ouch, my fps sure does dip down...


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The game plays pretty darn good absolutely anywhere until 2 or more people show up. Once people are there , I can tell my fps is quite low. I don't know the command for fps but I'd say around 15 fps. I should be getting more for the hardware I have.


I run in:


all settings on high

shadows off

sound quality low



I am fine anywhere else in the game, but it's when I look in the direction that people are, I get slowness. Any ideas, if so please help!!


My system:

Athlon XP 2100+

GeForce 4 Ti4200 8X @ 285/595

256M DDR 333

20G 7200 rpm HD

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cg_drawfps 1


type that in console


/com_maxfps 175


if you have a good system u can do over the default setting for fps


and the problem is your athlon processor they dont do so good for jk2 most custom maps are made for pentium systems. I have a pentium and a athlon, the athlon one sucks compared to it

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Well, the first mistake is running JO over 800x600 seeing as how its not necessary. Even though it looks like you have PC-2700+ RAM, the amount isn't nearly enough if you are going to run your settings at full. Plus you might want to try updated Video drivers if you haven't done so already.

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Originally posted by Dead_Dan

Well it seems that AGP Texture Acceleration was not enabled. With some tweaking it is now enabled and the game runs smooth as silk.


Hmm.... just curious, but could you elaborate as to what tweaking, exactly, was needed to get this enabled? I have hardware similar to yours (Quadro4 900 XGL 128mb), and I don't even know how to check if I have AGP Texture Acceleration turned on or not... thanks!

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