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Trooper Ideas for the future of swgb


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I was going to make one big post but i decided to make a load of short ones since some of you guys dont read the really huge posts


Laser Troopers



The troops should be more based to the movies and i dont think there apperence should be changed when upgrading.


The clones,reb troops,wooks,gungans,royal troops,stormtroopers

should all have fees after creation not to many fees like a little food should be taken from your stockpile every minute or so.


The troops should need training to have training programs so the can improve there battle techniques and stuff.


The tf and confed shouldn't have to have food taken away but have carbon taken for maintanence on the droids.


the troops should be created from and some should have attachments like a droid programming center for the droids.

1.Republic - A cloning facility

2.Ge- They should just build or find regular people and force them to be stormtroops. they go through and get suited up then trained in combat.

3.royal nab- create regular folks then train them suit them up.

4. wooks- they should have a tab like ship in wookie populace and it transports in some untrained wooks for u to show them the ways.

5.Rebs- ship or find locals to train and fight for them

6-gungans- if water is on the map get a worker to dive in and search for locals or ship some in from naboo.

7. confed- order in parts for the droids and get workers to carry it all to the droid factory to engineer the droids. droids dont need training but will need programing this should take the same time for the others.

8. tf- same as confed


NOTE*- shipping should be a free or very cheap same as ordering parts.



U should decide wat u want your troops,droids to be turned into such as a mounted troop,grenadier,aa troop.


It should take a little longer to create than wat they usally do but it may bring down rushing which ruins the game and spoils all the fun.



rep- cloning facility

ge- troop training or cloning center

gungan- milita gungan traning center

nab- royal training service facility

wooks- wookie combat camp

rebs- rebel militant outpost center

tf- Droid factory

confed- droid factory


NOTE* when building is done of the troop centers 3 service troops should come with it they cant fight but they train hand out weapons stuff like that.


*3 new troopers types*

First of all i think a pilot needs to be added it will just make things more interesting. They need to fly transports,fighters and acs they should be really cheap since u r already paying for the aircraft itself. diff color


Commander these guys r a little stronger but a little more expensive they can do lots of things lead armies into battle. control super units like artillary,assult mechs. they have diff color


i havent thought of a name for these guys but they drive mechs,artillary and stuff like that they r like pilots but they control the land based units and sea units. MAKE A NAME UP FOR THEM DONT BE DUMB AND MAKE A STUPID ONE diff color


NOTE* these should be built like normal troops something like a commander will take longer.




let us c how they r getting train /engineered like show how the droids r getting created instead of the boring percentage thing.


i think that is all hope u guys like this post it took me ages to finish tell me wat to improve on my ideas or other features that should go with and if u arn't sure bout something or i missed something ill explain it later in this post. excuse the spelling didnt have time to read over



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:eek: That is the most microing GB post I have ever seen .


Fees- Ok, that's reasonable


Training Programs- I take it troops train when they are "built". No need to send ur troops away.:rolleyes:


Were Troops Created From- I believe that the building should just be called barracks and they all have more or less the same shape not to confuse anyone. They might not actually be a barracks as such (for Trade Fed u might see a droid assembly line, for Republic cloning tanks) but called that for simplicity's sake.


Republic} Cloning Facility} OK


Empire} No. Republic Clones become Stormtroopers for many obvios reasons. They should also have cloning tanks but though edging more towards the barracks training facility type thing. It is too much micro and very annoying to search for people.


Naboo/Wookiees/Rebels/Gungans}No, no, no, no! No. Too much micro to go and search for civilians, which could be anywere on the map, hundreds of miles away.:rolleyes:


Confid/Trade Fed} No freakin' way! The proggraming for every bloody droid, the building of individual parts, the carrying around. Anyone will quit the game after 10 mns of this torture.



New units-

Commander} YES! This furthers my arguement for using RoN!


Pilots} Sorry but we discussed this in about 2 different threads. Pilots are a no-no.


Features- U really wanna see a naked stormtrooper coming out of a cloning tank?! :barf:

It's not a bad idea but probably takes up more disk space. Like that other guy who wanted to have a stroll through his buildings.

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u dont build normal people u find them on the map or ship them in instantly free of charge or a small amount


wat i was trying to do is make the game more realistic instead of building a troop from a building then c them appear start away make it more challenging and c how the training and stuff goes on.

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yeah i was thinking that searching would be annoying so i said how about shipping in normal peeps no charge instantly then sending them to get trained suited up and armed.


drroid programming would be auto done u dont do it yourself it would take a quick second programming would be done in completion


i was thinking about the stromtrooper issue the ge dont clone they get there clones from the rep old army so maybe shipping them in but in takes alot longer.the same time it takes to build the others


lol a naked trooper ??????? ummmm i didnt say that they r clothed civilians going in dressed in armor coming out.


and luke your instant creation some peeps might like to c a cool way of creating an army not a quick boring game where u sit back with limited options

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I'm just saying that too much micro doesn't fit an RTS. Like I said some other strategy game might be good for your system but I doubt that an RTS will be good with that much micro. Maybe if you like you when you see troopers getting build you can see people running into the building and getting dressed up automatically.

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i am not interested too much in how my forces are created, i like to see them fighting. But maybe if you simplified your idea. Just have a short linein the building showing stromtroopers being transformed from civilians (it happens continuously despite your production).


I agree that the production requirements could be changed in gb2. Droids could cost only carbon but if there were balance problems they ould get a tech for 40% cheaper troops. I think at-ats and that high quality but few in numbers stuff should be multiple times more exspensive, and the same with how long they are created. They should be much larger, as large as a gb2 engine would handle in terms of trooper size.


I've played games where your troops can starve with no food, and while realistic, i could not fully concentrate on attacing knowing my economy was falling apart over time with all th individual costs.

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Alright, here's the trooper section of that big ol' thing I'm typing. A couple of thing you should know:

1. Each civ has a complete unique unit set

2. Each civ has one siege unit for land and one for air

3. I tried to use both movie units, current units, and gameplay in the making of these


Anyway, here it is:



Rebel Trooper-Slightly Expensive, but high hp and attack

Rebel Taun-Taun Trooper-Every civ should have two siege units: one air and one ground. The rebs get their taun-taun flamethrower troopers, which benefit from their speed, cheap cost, and early access

Rebel Sniper-Comes later in the game, with high range and attack, but low hp

Rebel missile trooper-Strong and long ranged. Rebs only AA unit.

Stormtrooper-Cheap, with low accuracy, but quick fire rate and high attack

Dewback trooper-Ranged and fast, but expensive

Grenadier(Emps)-comes some what later, but is good vs. mechs/heavies. Big splash damage

Battle Driod(TF)-Very cheap but very light

Battle Driod(CF)-Stronger than TF counterpart, but still light and cheap

Super Battle Driod-Although it comes later than the Battle Driod, it has very high attack, defence, and fire rate, but it hurts in the wallet

(Insert name of that animal that the genosians ride) Trooper-Lightly armored but fast, they kill workers and heros with their spark poles

Militiagung-Slightly inexpensive, with long range and high hp, but lightly armored and low attack

Kaadu Trooper-Fast and well armored with bonus vs troops

Bomb Troopers-Come late in the game, but throw explosives with high potency and wide range. Good vs. Heavies

Royal Trooper-Fairly quick, with good attack, but no armor and poor hp.

Royal Crusader-Expensive, shielded, with high hp and good attack vs. mechs and buildings. Naboo's seige unit. Comes later in the game

Royal AA trooper-Cheap but weak

Clone Trooper-Quick to build, but expensive. They have a fair attack and armor, but their hp and speed are low

Clone Ion Cannon Troopers-Comes later in the game, but neutralizes mechs and can hit air targets. Notice it says Troopers because two troopers carry it

Bowcaster Trooper-Expensive, but sturdy hp and attack. Slightly slow fire rate

Bowcaster Sniper-Higher hp and armor than reb cousin, but fires very slowly

Rocket Trooper-Can hit both air and ground, with a bonus vs. heavies and air

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But I think rebs should have a grenadier.


Clone Ion-Cannon Troopers: I think it should just have a bonus vs mechs 'cause neutralizing mechs is kinda...overpowered...unless they cost a LOT.(you mean immobilizing a mech? right?)


Rebs should have faster troopers because of their hit-and-fade strategies

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Neutralize is a fancy way of saying that they have a bonus against mechs. You know me, I wouldnt put any of that paralzye stuff into the game, even on my death bed.


Here are the general ieas for each civ's troopers:

Emps: Ok armor, but low hp. Cheap with strong attack, but inaccurate

Rebs: Ok hp, fast with strong attack, but little armor. Slightly expensive

TF: very cheap and created very quick, but low in other stats

Confeds: Not as cheap, but created just as quick. They have ok stats, quick reload

Gungans: Low attack and slow reload, but hard to kill and quick to make

Naboo: Very cheap and fast, with a long range, but slow to recruit and weak attack/armor/hp

Reps: Created very quick, with decent stats and price tag

Wookies: Expensive and slow to reload, but they have high hp/armor/attack

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clonedjedi, you might like to read (if you haven't already) my thread titled "How's this for a basic model for SWGB2?". I covered some ideas about pilots and the way troopers could work that is a lot less microing than yours but I think is still in the spirit of what you want.


Sithmaster, what's this big ol' thing you're writing? I was thinking of writing out an extended version of my ideas too.

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Originally posted by clonedjedi

u dont build normal people u find them on the map or ship them in instantly free of charge or a small amount


wat i was trying to do is make the game more realistic instead of building a troop from a building then c them appear start away make it more challenging and c how the training and stuff goes on.


Think of it this way:


If you were looking at important battle layouts of the map from far away, would you really want your reports to include that you recruited John Smith and he went into the troop center? or would you just care that you have another trained soldier at your disposal after you've given the commands to mass troops? It is implied that the trooper came from somewhere and he was a useless civilian before. The resources spent did not create him from thin air, but was used to make John Smith a soldier with armor and food to survive out there. I know you want to show more in-depth precision, realistic portrayals of the civs, it would be cool to see maybe for about a week or so then it would get REAL old. You'd just want a trooper after 10 minutes of watching them train and hand out guns!


This would tack on an extra 2 hours to a 2 hour game. a good portion of those hours would be setting up for a battle that would be decided in a matter of minutes, and would pretty much dictate the winner of the match, cause it would take you forever to set up a counter army again.


This idea would be better suited for a different game if lucas Arts wants a wider audience. There are a serious lack of zone players already, this feature would drive about 1/2 of them away.

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Corran- Here's an idea for the Hutts


-Very costly, high hp, med attack, high armor, med speed, med reload, long built time.


And how is this for the mechs:


Rebs: Very fast mechs, low armor, low hp, med attack, low cost and med built time.

Rep:Mid-speed mechs, med armor, med hp, med attack but higher cost and slower built time.

Imps: Slow mechs, High armor, high hp, high attack, high cost, med built time.

Gungans: Slow mechs, med armor, med hp, med attack, high cost, low built time.

Confed: Mid-speed mechs, high armor, med hp, high attack, med cost, slower built time.

Trade Fed: Slow mechs, very high armor, med hp, high attack, high cost, slower built time.

Naboo:Very fast mechs, low armor, med hp, med cost and low built time.

Wookiees:Mid-speed mechs, low armor, low hp, very low cost and med built time.


I'm gonna add what I think it should be for the Hutts:

Mid-speed mechs, low armor, high hp,high cost and low built time.


Feel free to make any modification you want.

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