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Which Saber is the best.

Guest BigBud

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

I would take Luke/Anikan...It is the one I always dreamed of having as a kid.



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Guest BigBud

I would take Mace Windu's light saber.


Then I would have Mauls. Mace's saber at my side, and Muals going horizontally acrose the wast of my back as a back up. Then I would be ready for action. Plus, besides the colors, they look like they go together.


I think that Ki-Adi Mundi's is PERFICT, and purpule is a very cool, and mistical color, BUT I dont know if purpul is my color. It is kinda girly, and that would be mine if it was a different color.


The old ones, like vaders and lucks suck. smile.gif

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Guest 84Elan

I would take Obi Wans From EP1 it seams to me that it would be the easier of the many to handle due to the semi ball at the bottom. Something to hold on to to wheeld it around. Of course Vaders would not be bad either due to the fact that it has more focusing crystals and a vairable length ability. Mauls is out of the question I would be in two peices before I ever meet anyone in battle.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest BigBud

84Elan, I thought the same EXACT thing. That is so cool. I really like that one too.


BUT, as soon as I saw Mace's and Mauls, I had to have them both. Look at Mace's and Look at Lukes. There so deferent huh.


I like the smothness of Mace's. SEE YA>

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I would use one like mauls but blue on one side and green on the other.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

On Vader's lightsaber, it is possible to change the thickness and length a little bit.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Plo Koon

If you noticed, Mace has two variations. He has the one pictured above that looks like half of Maul's, and he has a different one, pictured on the back of the JPB booklet.

The accurate one is the one on the JPB booklet, and the "made up" one is pictured above.


Lots of controversy on this, because if you can find Mace in the Ep1 Visual Dictionary, he is wearing the "made up" one. You can tell, because it looks like a doctored photo, and there is no shading.






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Guest darthjustin69

darthmauls al the way baby especiall the yellow




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest BigBud

You can see wich one it is at the end of the movie.


Right when it shows Anikine with his new haircut smiling at the Queen. If you look right behind him at Mace, you can see his REAL lighsaber.


I really like it. Unlike Lukes, it is smooth and simplicstic.


Go check it out. smile.gif

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Guest Plo Koon

Yea, but it is easier to see his real one on the back of the JPB booklet. The other Maul looking saber was first shown in a Playboy ( I don't read Playboy, I heard of this) magazine. People are still wondering why Playboy would doctor an image of Mace's saber. It doesn't make sense. Maybe to get publicity, what do you think?


(The E1 Visual Dictionary creators thought the doctored one looked better, that is why they used that one, and not the licenced one.)


See, Playboy does have articles in it. wink.gif





[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited April 26, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Guest Angel Halcyon

My personal favorite is the dual phase saber carried by Corran Horn in the book "I Jedi".The blade normaly is silver when he rotates the hilt changing jewels,it doubles in size and changes to purple.Awesome and can suprise many.

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