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Inserting the players name as a variable..


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this isn't relly editing but I thought many of you would have come accross something like this. with many kill trackers you can make the message so that the name of teh person you just killed/kicked/ or died from gets displayed along with the message. So does anyone know how to do that without coding a program to do it. like is there an ingame cvar or command that does it. It would greatly help out admins, instead of typing /amslap <Bloody Long name> it could just be bound to a key somthing like so:


bind r "amslap Target's_name"


any help is appreciated.

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Isn't there already a way for admins to do stuff by client number?


I'm unfamiliar with the mod you're working with, but you could probably contact the guy who made it and as him, as he made the command, he should be able to tell you a way to work on it.

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thanks for the help so far. I am using vulcanus admin mod, and i have never had to use color codes along witht he name, and it isn't case sensitive. But it gets to be a hassle when somone's name is like this: {{{}}}-C00l-Du|)3[[[[


i will try using numbers but i can see that going wrong and slapping or banning etc.. someone who doesn't deserve it because i put in the wrong number. also im not sure how you would determin which person is what number.

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Originally posted by razorace

I believe most server commands are handled with client numbers like Wudan said. Otherwise, you'd have to enter in the user's name including color commands. :p


I thought I read in the code that (when using clientname for arg) it ignores ^ and the character following it, and only worries about those for scoreboard and when the client views the info.


A good way to test this is the status command Grets mentioned - does it do all the color stuff?

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Well, if they aren't a part of your alphabet, that doesn't mean you have to rip on the rest of us!


Somebody ought to mod the scoreboard so it will show clientnum, but if you're running a dedicated server, you need to use status anyway, right?

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