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x box skins, etc


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Are we just out of luck on really good x box cheats? I can't find any. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, and have beaten it. I'm not looking for power cheats. more like codes that let you go to 3rd person with guns, or possibly even skins. I mean, I know its a console game, but it does clearly have 3rd person perspectives, and clearly it has several skins (look at the multiplayer). So why aren't there any codes to let you play as these fella's over in SP? Just doesn't make sense to me. I mean it would have to be one of the easiest things for them to implement. It's all already there, they'd just want to make it accessable via the code screen. Anyway, I know this sounds like a rant. It's not. I love the x box version, and if that's my biggest complaint, I should count myself lucky.

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I agree with you Carbon....I think they messed up when they didn't make the game available for Xbox LIVE. It would have been so easy for them to do. Live became available right around the same time as JO for xbox.


It is just frustrating......the cheat codes aren't that cool either. Oh well....I'm am now waiting for Knights of the Old Republic. That game will be incredible. :)

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