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Reference Pics Please....Help

Darth Jacen

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Hello, I wanted to get a link or pics of some head on and profile shots of a Shadowtrooper and Chriss so that I can make a custom model of of Chriss with shadowtrooper armor on. Another words sticking Chriss head on the shadowtroopers body. The reason I need or wanted the shots is because I can't model it myself but I can cut and paste the two pics in photoshop to show my friend who can model, what kinda of look im going for, anyway any help would be appreciated. Thanx

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You know thats kind of useless. If he knows how to model he will probably first import the shadowtrooper glm into milkshape, then the chiss glm, replace the head, export it into 3dsmax and go through with the getting in game process. So you really dont need to give him any ref pics.

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