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All joking aside, I won't pay 20$ a month to play swg, even IF it were MCS. For 20$ a month they can go rot. 15$ seems like highway robbery, but I would at least consider it... A fair price to me (as Gonk said, especially since its only SCS) would be in the 10-12 $ range. Lets hope that they have some common sense...

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Well, at least we all seem to agree on something. I think only the biggest die-hard fans would pay more than $15. Admittingly, I might consider paying more, but it would probably only be just that, consideration. I think ten would be a fair price, but if the game starts off as large as is expected, and is as good as is expected, then I would easily pay the fifteen for maintenance on the servers. If they think the attendance is low, they would probably lower the price anyway to increase sales.

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As a consumer, I just want a good working product for a fair price. More then 15 is just wrong, plain and simple. With so many people bashing the idea of more then 15 I don't think they would go higher. But, since so many people do say they are willing to pay 15 but not higher then they will make it 15 for sure..we should be saying, I wont pay more then 10:)

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