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a little problem wit cmi


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ok, when i reach the third episode "three sheets in the wind" the game sorta stops. the pirates in my ship keep singing the same four lines forever, those lines never change. i cant see the cursor, esc does nothing. maybe my version of the game is bugged? or maybe some1 can send me a save game past that point? im playing the hard setting

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there!


I have exactly the same problem with my game. I posted about it, just above your post, and someone replied on mine with a few good ideas, and a link to the website where the patches are, it may be of some help to you too!]

Hope you can get your game working, hope I can too!

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop

have u tried downloading the patch? u will find it in LEC's website.

if that doesnt work, write your email here and i ll u send a saved game and, if u want, the song "A pirate I was meant to be"

you don't want to go doing that, it's the pirate song that messes it up, it confuses the game for some reason. best thing to do (as i said in rachels post) is to uninstall and reinstall the game. this should definately work. wow, i never knew this was such a big problem.

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