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New system for SWGB2


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You've heard of Impossible creatures right? Basicly you can combine different animal to combine skills. I think this should be used in SWGB2. You should be able to go to a junk yard and fix, for example, a assault mechs guns onto a fast moving fighter plane to have a fast and heavy weaponed machine. of course there would have to be limitations to stop you from making a doomsday device.


Please note this system would be different from impossible creatures and will have a different engine, only the basic idea will be the same.




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That would be fun to do but probably quite difficult to balance. It'd basically have the potential to completely revoke the purpose of the unit (eg. strike mechs being good against troopers) and turn it into something else (eg. strike mech with a flamethrower good against buildings).

So.... fun, but because of the large balance difficulties, I'd say no.

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It's a game similar to Mario Kart where you race around different vehicles except they are a bit too cartoony. You had Boba Fett racing around Slave 1 but instead of just having Slave 1 they had a Slave 1 with an oversized Boba Fett head sticking out the top. You could also race an AT-ST, Sebulba's racer, and a few other things. I never played it but I looked at the box and said "What the hell was LucasArts thinking?"

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