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Interested in Clan Tourneys? Watch this.


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Tonight at 9pm EST (eta 45 minutes) There will be a 3v3 XTGL.com JK2 Tournament game between the exRA/TEL clan and the FK clan. It's being VIDCAST courtesy of wsbn.com here's how you can watch it.

Load up windows media player


then enter this URL in exactly as you see it


Match starts at 9 and is the best of 3 CTF maps. It'll give you all interested in tourneys/leagues/ladders an idea of the competition out there.


From WSBN:

[20:20] * WSBN Server 1 is on line with MeBaD bringing you "XTGL JK2 Tourney: Fallen Knights vs ex-Reckless Abandon - VIDEO ONLY" -- Audio: Connect with Winamp http://www.WSBN.com/server1.pls or Video: Connect with Windows Media Player 7.1 http://www.WSBN.tv/1 or visit the WSBN website for in-browser viewing.

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Very cool indeed.

Is that exclusive to that league?

If not let’s broadcast SF tearing FK apart in the TWL rematch.



Seriously though, good luck to you and your team on the match.



/edit congrats on the win.


BTW, wtf was going on in the first match?

Were they Smurfing? (text is hard to read)

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Yeah TEL-Viper/RA:Abandon (same person), couldn't handle the fact that SiN had capped in the first 3 minutes of the match and decided to bail. We gave Shadow and Jixx a little wait (we could have run up the score at this point) while they went and got "viper" back. Which turned out to be DSbr>>Buffeh. We won anyways, 7-0 on Warring Factions and 6-2 on Bespin. The vidcast was recorded and can be downloaded off of http://www.wsbn.com under "recordings" and then JK2 it should be at the top of the list, look for FK vs. exRA. Best way is to right click and "save target as" otherwise it auto-streams to windows media player. I'll warn you it's 56 megs, and the first hour or so of it is the vidcaster screwing around playing music and messing around with us on the server. We were mostly teamkilling at this point. I'm still watching it right now, will add an edit as to how well it is.


Edit: ok on the vidcast. The first 53 minutes of it are the caster playing some songs and messing around with us on the server. The match starts in the 54th minute and ends at the 94th minute. Then there's some down time with songs and stuff as we screw around trying to work out Roger Wilco so the guy can interview us. YES FK was interviewed, LOL. Also in the interview room was RA:Shadowalker, he's the high pitched voice. LOL. It's a rather amusing vid but if you want to see clearly don't zoom into it or full screen it.


Edit2: ROFLMFAO. The Interview part at the end, once we finally got it working, is rather funny. I sound like a clown, my voice get's herded through the RW server then through the dudes shoutcast server so it's quite distorted.

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BF is #1 on TWL right now. And it's 3v3, alot harder because it ends up being alot of one on one's so there's more single player skill that comes into it. With 5 and 6 it's easier to gang up for the kill if you have a good evasive capper. But with 3v3 it's hard to both return flag and support your carrier.

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DeT, you know u, hood, and morrison can rape BF in gunning and speed. and i have much better accuracy than them too; and everyone knows that all they can do is strafe jump and pull. They 've got poor accuracy. Narbes says in tdm we can beat them. FUrthermore, Hood and morrison as O and anyother EJM at d like me or slicer can't be beaten easily. Eveytime i play with BF none of them are especially good.


Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

BF is #1 on TWL right now.

They are only number one because darksaber and MoD havn't challenged them yet formally. DsBR lost to them in scrim because they didn't try, and because their trainees: staind and rusted were playing.


But i see your point.

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