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need help with playing my map


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I just started to get into mapping and I've been reading the Richs'diesels' tutorials which has helped alot. I downoaded the two JKII editing tools and pacscape. I'm pretty sure that there all installed correctly because I have all my textures, Info_player_start ETC. I followed all the directions to #4 which tells you to "SAVE AS..." and I saved mine as the same name in the tut. "firstmap". Then I Hit BSP and fullvis and there were no errors. closed Everything out and started JKII SP and typed in the console >> "devmap firstmap" and the message (can't find map Firstmap.bsp). can anyone help?:D


I have xp and tried my file settings thing and made sure that was set correctly and that didn't seem to help.



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I definately seem to recall this happening in my early mapping days, yesterday.


If you go to the base folder, then maps, you should be able to see the bsp of firstmap there in the maps section. If it isn't there then maybe it's being saved to the wrong location? I think I saved some in the prefabs folder in maps by accident and jk2 couldn't find them at one stage. Is it there?

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Well, I gave it a rest and then tryed it at my home computer and the damn thing worked!! and then I think I know what the problem is but I dont Know how to fix it. I looked where you told me to and it was there but, it was in .map form and not .bsp . when I do the bspfullvis it starts but then closes out and I pretty sure its not working right.

Thanx for your helpin me out.


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in xp the dos window that pops up when you compile will automatically close when finished. with a small map it can be less than a minute. In radiant, look at the bottom window pane, in here you'll see the commands executed in radiant as you use it. It will also show the bsp process and you will find errors listed there. When the bsp process is done, take a look in there for any errors, if there are some, cut and paste the contents here.

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Ok, here's what happens. I didin't copy the entire page but I think this are all the errors.


---- Vis ----


reading c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/maps/firstmap.bsp


reading c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/maps/firstmap.prt


LoadPortals: couldn't read c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/maps/firstmap.prt



ETC. ETC. so on and so forth. and....

----- Lighting ----


entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/bespin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/decals.shader


entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/shaders/zoom.shader

Reading c:/progra~1/games/jkii/gamedata//base/maps/firstmap.bsp


Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick.





Run time was 0 hours, 0 minutes and 51 seconds


If anyone knows how to contact this....."John or Rick" duo, I could use some info......LOLOL!!

Thanx for your responce.:D:fett2::lightning :compcry:



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I suggest trying q3map2 instead of sof2map to compile your maps. If it also fails (probably wont) then there is a serious problem with the map.


Anyway. As I can see the first stage (BSP) is missing. That's why the second (VIS) reports the error. This can cause the crash in the third stage (LIGHT) also.


I don't remember that there was a compile command in JK2Radiant without the BSP stage. Interesting why is it missing... Try to check the compile commands in File \ Project settings.

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