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Creating bots via script on dedicated server


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Is there a way to script the creation and deletion of bots on a dedicated server? Here's why I ask:


I run a server just for me and a friend, and we like to team together to take on lots of bots in team deathmatch. Unfortuately, when the map changes, the game balances out the teams, even though auto-balance is off. I'd like to be able to kick all bots and add them in again remotely (using rcon).


I tried creating a script to kick the bots one by one, but it seems rcon ignores commands after a semicolon.


For instance, this will work when I'm hosting the game myself:

bind F1 "kick Yoda; kick Luke"

But when I connect to my dedicated server, and use this:

rcon kick Yoda; rcon kick Luke

It only executes the first command, kicking Yoda. (leaving off the second 'rcon' doesn't work, either)


Anybody know of a solution?

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Kicking "allbots" works great. And I made a script so that each time I hit a key (Insert in my case), the server adds another bot from my chosen list.


Unfortunately, even with team balance off, I can't control what teams the bots go to. My script specified that the bots be on blue team ("rcon addbot Vader blue 7" etc), but after adding a blue bot the game forces the next bot to be on red, even if I specify blue. Grr. Is there any way around this?

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