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xbox cheat codes


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Was wondering if anyone knows the solution to my dilema: I have entered "bubble" for the cheat code in my XBox JKII, and I want to cancel the code. It gives full health and I want to turn it off. Anyone know the procedure, or even if it is possible? The problem is that the cheat code menu is all the way out of the game you are playing at the main menu, and not accessable during game play.


any thoughts?:confused:

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I don't know how far along you are in the game but........the sure way to do it would be to erase all of the JO data from your xbox memory. I actually just had to do it yesterday.


I had entered the code that gave me a lightsaber in the first few levels......I decided I didn't want that one anymore so I had to start from the begining. Oh well.....

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