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his is another dumb puzzle to me


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i know im gonna be known as the person who asks dumb questions but when i was creating my map i hollowed the box out then i went to put some textures in but when i went to the textures tool bar there wasnt any base_floor files or anything so i was wondering where they are/how im supposed to put then in/and if i have to put my textures in a cirtain folder which folder do i put it in?........................and for the second dumb question when i go to put my spawn enity in i right click the middle of my room but the "info" doesnt appear i was wondering do i have a stuffed version of radiant??????? if some person could answer these stupid questions i would be very helpfull if you do can you send the answer to sematriclen@hotmail.com thanx a bunch......................cya

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First, dont use the hollow button, it creates zfighting and just generally isnt good to use in the first place (make each wall instead)


Second, as for the textures, if you're talking about textures that come w/ the game and arent showing up then it sounds like you should reinstall Radiant. If you're using custom textures make sure the dimensions are multiples of 2 and you are putting them in your base/textures/yourmapname, and also to add yourmapname to shaderlist.txt in base/shaders (I believe).


Same thing for the spawn entity, try reinstalling Radiant.

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Create the walls the same way you did the box before you hollowed it out.


Even when installed correctly the textures won't show up until you select a set from the Textures menu.


It sounds like you really need to use THE Tutorial


The tutorial will cover most of the basics of mapmaking and some more advanced stuff.

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i extracted the file shaderlist.txt from assets0.pk3 and put the .txt in the scripts list but when im in radiant in the script bar at the bottom it still says couldnt find file script\shaderlist.txt i dont know what to do its got me baffled????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:fett::bdroid1::jawa:ewok::c3po:

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ok i got rid of that version and got jk2radiant and it works!!!! but is there a way to change the size of the entity menu size cos its too big for the screen and i can put the direction of my info_player_startand useing the arrows i couldnt get it smaller :(


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Originally posted by sematriclen

ok i got rid of that version and got jk2radiant and it works!!!! but is there a way to change the size of the entity menu size cos its too big for the screen and i can put the direction of my info_player_startand useing the arrows i couldnt get it smaller :(



Many people have suggested it, but you've given no indication that you've done it, so click this.


It leads to tutorials that will show you how to use Radiant so it's not so baffling. It will be easier to help you with all of your questions if you first help yourself. I promise you that if you complete all the tutorials to the best of your ability, everything will be much clearer. And if you still need help after you've done that, we'll answer any questions you have.

When I first started mapping, I figured that I could get by without looking at any tutorials. Trust me, they help, and will save you a lot of headaches.

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Originally posted by sematriclen

but is there a way to change the size of the entity menu size cos its too big for the screen


No, sorry. You need your screen to be in 1024x768 resolution, then the entity window will fit on the screen. In GtkRadiant it is resizable.



Btw: the shaderlist.txt file has to be in the base/shaders directory. And you have to put in your own .shader file's name (without the extension) not your map's name. They can be the same of course. :)

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ok i compiled my map but i only get the basic room with none of the entitys or brushes i put in no errors come up and everything is in the right spot the run time was 22 sec can any1 hlp with that and i followed the tutorial that was give in this thread exactly so i dont know

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Running bsp command...


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\TOOLS\\sof2map -bsp C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\\base/maps/mymap.map


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\TOOLS\\sof2map -vis C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\\base/maps/mymap.map


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\TOOLS\\sof2map -light C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\\base/maps/mymap.map



Run time was 0 hours, 0 minutes and 50 seconds


that was the last compile i did and when i went to the game i typed devmap mymap (thats only my newbie learnin map) my map loaded but it was my basic room with no light in it even though i had a brush in the middle of my room with a heavy repeater and ammo on it and another room that i put in no errors came up sadriss gave me some help i sent him the .map file he compiled it and it worked fine so is it my compiler i was useing bsp fullvis i reinstalled it nuthin worked there i followed the tutorail exactly so can i fix it or use another compiler?

...............cya sematriclen:bdroid1:

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Originally posted by sematriclen

i was useing bsp fullvis i reinstalled it nuthin worked there i followed the tutorail exactly so can i fix it or use another compiler?

...............cya sematriclen:bdroid1:


Just for your future information... if you're using sof2map to compile, you should be using BSP FastVis to test maps. BSP FullVis and BSP FullVis Extra are for finished versions of maps on their final compile. FastVis compiles faster... should save you a significant amount of time as your map(s) get larger.

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ok i went to junk.txt and there was nothing in it and i also tried bsp fastvis it only compiles a basic room with bespin/basic textures on it and i always spawn facing the wall even if i change my info_player_start and the arrow points away from the wall???? no errors were found anywhere when my map was compiled by some1 else it work fine(thanx for the help shadriss) and my map still doesnt work and when i get rid of my old work i made a tryout map called x.map but when i was in sp i went devmap x and it said couldnt find maps\x.bsp after i compiled it????the only 1 that i have been able to get working is mymap.map then i compiled that and it was the basic room??????

just askin but in my maps forlder there is "mymap.map", "mymap.BAK:" and "mymap.bsp" whats the .BAK file do??????im sure everything is installed to the right spot i installed jk2 to the default and same with radiant??? and i followed richdiesels tutorail as well..........................any help would be great thanx:bdroid1:

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ok because this thread has 147 seperate views i think every1 should post problems on here this thread hasnt been open for long but has had many views anyway i was wondering how do you make then energy shields like in ep1 where qui-gon and obi-wan fight darth maul you know then red energy shields how do i do them



i was also wondering if some could make some textures and shaders i could use to make the streets of naboo cos i aint good at makin them or if some1 could tell me where i can download some textures would be great! but if you can send them to me just zip them and send it to sematriclen@hotmail.com thanx





new project streets/building/duel area from ep1

arch 0%

texures 0%

entities 0%

game play 0% (just started 25/1/03 10:12pm) :(:bdroid1:

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i was also wondering if there is a site you can download texures md3s and shaders from??????if any1 can post some sites here that would be great:):bdroid1:


new project streets/building/duel area from ep1

arch 0%

texures 0%

entities 0%

game play 0% (just started 25/1/03 10:12pm:( )

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