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Looking in hosting a Jedi Knight2 game server?

John C

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Hello Everyone,


Are you looking in running a Jedi Knight2 game server if yes then please check out, BFGservers.com for pricing and info....or if you want to see how stable our server is then please come and see it for yourself at....


(Jedi)Training Lounge


Its a 20 players server enjoy!!!

Our server is on 24/7


May the force be with you!!!



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Hi John i went there and thought it'd be a fun idea to rent one so my friends and i could have a weekend slaughterfest :)


curious about the mod you used for the Jedi academy server..

the Jedi Academy 1.0? where can i find it? it's not on jediknightii.net unless it's called something else....i'll get back to you when we figure out when we want to do the fighting :) thanks :)



- Jon

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You can get the Jedi Academy Mod here. :) For those that don't know what the Jedi Academy mod is it's like Vulcanis Admin mod with more emotes, levels of management, and logging capabilities. It was based on Vulcanis with heavy modification by our programer cHoSeN-oNe (known around here as ZeroCool).


It's really weird. He submitted this to both jkii.net and jk2files.com, but they never showed up. :confused::mad:

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That's actually not that bad. 60 bucks for 12 people. LEt's see here....


JK2 Server pricing comparison (based on 12 person server)

BFGservers.com - $60.00

Gaminghost.com - $60.00 ($5.00 per player option)

iLangame.com - $53.00

WarZoneGamers.com - $50.00

Fragism.com - $60.00

Cyberseals.net - $70.00

Xgamingservers.com - $72.00


These are just a few of the American rental sites. Most of them will also include a one-time set up fee of anywhere between 15 to 35 dollars. Some also will be cheaper if you make it a "private" server. That means it's password protected AT ALL TIMES. Also a lot of these places include things along with the server. Like our clan server is through Gaminghost.com. Along with the 16 person server I get full rcon and ftp access to the server, can configure it anyway I want at will, can add any mod to it I want, got free domain name registration (http://www.fallenknightsclan.com) as well as free webspace for the domain with full ftp access, webalizer and cgi-bin. If you run a clan, it's almost imperative that you rent a server unless you can put a box on a T1 plus network. Most clan battle sites will not allow servers hosted on cable or dsl lines.


So $60 isn't bad at all. I didn't list the server sites where the 12 person public servers cost $120.00+, and there's a few of those too.


Edit: You also want to check the hosting location of these companies or any company you get a server through. If you're going to shell out the flow for the server, you want to get the best possible ping. I live in Tallahassee, FL, Gaminghost.com is located in Atlanta, GA which is like a 4 hour drive from me so it's relatively close (my pings on our server are <70). Each site should have a section that tells you the locations of their server sites so you can best judge which are closest to you.

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