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Pure server... free models/skins


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Originally posted by razorace

Why? Servers are "Pure" to prevent that sort of thing.


I know that pure is meant to turn off all mods, skins, models, ...


I know that it is mean to make modding pointless...


Yes i know that... but i don't like it...

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Originally posted by razorace

I don't see what you're complaining about. Models, mods, etc ALL work with pure servers as long as the stuff is on the server.


Yep i know that but i also know that i have these models:


Two battle droid packages, Clone troopers, Boba, Jango,

Anakin, Obiwan, Windu, Aayla, Clone pilot, Dooku, Mara,

two versions of Maul, Vader, Jar Jar, nightelf, Padme

and Yoda


And i also know that i play JK2 MP pretty much every day


And as far as i can remember there have been only two

games where host had SOME same models what i have

(those models were Vader and Maul) and those games

where those vere available i played a LONG TIME AGO


In my eyes this situation means... custom models,

skins, ... are meant for unpure games only...

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I personally think it's silly too. (Since you can't cheat with models unless the other people have the cheat model too) I really don't know if it's changable. The Pure server stuff may be inside the executable. Even if it's changeable, t would require a code mod to change it.

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Originally posted by razorace

I personally think it's silly too. (Since you can't cheat with models unless the other people have the cheat model too) I really don't know if it's changable. The Pure server stuff may be inside the executable. Even if it's changeable, t would require a code mod to change it.


Razorace, you probably know this better than I do but, if you create a cheat model (lets say with displaced bones, to give an ultra wide swing range) wouldn't the model still animate weirdly even if the others don't have the model.


Look at the mandalorian pack... they dont swing the saber properly, the hand tag is weighed wrong. Now if you log onto an unpure server, and you don't have the mandalorian model and someone is using it, you will see a kyle that swings his saber in a crooked manner. :)

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That's a good question. It shouldn't make a difference. All the server stuff is handled with Kyle's model. So, you can screw with the client side as much as you want. It still won't change things server side. (Remember that you can't see another model unless you have it on your system.) You could have the saber blade coming out of your ass on the client side and it wouldn't make a difference to the gameplay. Now, if you alter Kyle's model....


Heck, I just had a problem with the Kyle model yesterday. For MotF I'm doing a new surface-based hit detection system. (Which is MUCH more accurate.) Since everything is based off Kyle's model, it MUST be intact (server side) for my stuff to work. Unfortunately, some SP mods screw with Kyle's model to change the SP characters. To make a long story short, ACDCFanBill and I learned that leason the hard way. :)

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