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PA's and Alingment


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Is there a restriction in Player Associations that all members must be of one alignment?


It seems to me that a high level Republic Officer and a High level Rebel Alliance officer could not be in the same guild. Kinda like matter and anti-matter occupying the same space. Same would seem to go for a Jedi and a Dark Jedi should not be in the same PA since they would know this about each other and could simply kill one another at (just about) any occaision.


But if your actions determine your alignment there may be another term like "Allegance" that would apply to PA's.


So if you declare Allegance with the Republic then your start city is within the Republic controlled space and you may only join a Republic initiated PA. And if you declare Allegance with the Rebel Alliance your start city would be on the outer rim outside of the heavy Republic control and where the Alliance PA's are. And if you are neutral like say a merchant or smuggler might be there is a third Allegance, or no Allegance and the rules may, or may not, apply.


Has this been determined already and I haven't seen it yet? Comments?



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I haven't seen anything on this topic, but CharGen has been kept pretty quiet from what i have seen. In any event, I see where you are coming from, but you also have to look at it like this. Say a PA is created, the sole purpose of which is to make money on information brokering. Say this organization were to place several covert operatives in each of the two largest factions. Now say that two of these o[eratives somehow became promoted to high ranking titles. Their loyalties are still to the PA they started with and not to the Rebellion or Imperials. This is of course just one instance. It all depends on the situation. If the situation didn't work, you would probably leave your PA, problem fixes itself. Obviously, if the PA began supporting one or the other faction, and if you supported the other, you would probably high tail it out of there.


Yet again, I feel I have begun to ramble. ;)

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