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What's the most rediculous play by a computer?

Admiral Vostok

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Well, I don't go play on the Zone. I tried once, but got scared away by something which I must have repressed, as I cannot remember. Anyway, I mostly play allied with one of my friends against computers, and in our many games we've seen some weird and wonderful approaches the computer has made.


Just recently the computer did something I thought was worthy of noting. I was wondering if such a thing has happened to any one else, whether it's a common occurence, or whether our enemies are just weird. Anyway, this is what it did:




My friend and I have often marvelled at how much weird economy goes on amongst computers set to hardest, but we both agreed this took the cake. It hadn't even mined all the ore in it's vicinity.


Any other amusing anecdotes?

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Yeah, Imps do it a lot, but in my game it was Wookiees.


Also, has anyone else noticed that when you're cleaning up a computer, like I mean they are about to die at any second, they seem to produce a lot of medics? I always find medics just hanging around comm centers when I come to destroy them.

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I was playing a 6 vs 1 against the computer and was down to the last civ, which I'd pinned down in the corner of the map with virtual no resources left for it to use. The thing kept building carbon processing centers.... everywhere... most of which weren't anywhere near any carbon.



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Yeah that's also stupid.


But at least sometimes they send bombers or ACs unlike when they throw all of their troopers one-by-one...


I can't believe the comps AI get back to tech 1 when losing....


They really should make the AI better or release an AI patch if they don't have anything to do...


So then you won't win in a 6vs1 against comps...

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The weirdest thing I've seen a computer do is research 'bacta tanks' at the research center with an icon that looked something like an Ithorian. I was testing an AI and apparently this tech existed but was never used. They must have forgotten to remove it. It has no button to push so players can't research it, but the AI knows the name of it and researches it. Bizzarre. (Wonder what it does..)


Most ridiculous though.. Had lots and lots of light walls up in a hardest difficulty game and some enemy pummels broke through once (the walls were some distance from my actual base). The next wave however, a couple pummels got stuck in the walls, would not move, or would turn one way then another... when they could easily have just destroyed them and got out... and should have been able to leave without doing anything, but they got confused I guess.


The masses of carbon centers thing is not reverting to TL1. The AI has a line that tells it to build a new carbon center if the current distance to carbon is over a certain limit, and they see carbon on the map. Unfortunately there is also a limit on how far away the workers can build.


So.. Carbon too far + carbon seen -> build center -> center built within max radius -> carbon still too far + carbon still seen -> build another center within max radius -> ....


The way to fix this is to change the strategic number in steps... So carbon too far and also outside max radius -> increase max radius -> carbon too far and inside new max radius -> build new carbon center farther out but next to carbon. Very old quirk from age of empires, but very fixable (if you don't mind possibly losing some workers when they try to gather resources close to an enemy).



The glut of Imperial fortresses is probably because of altered bargains and AI. Altered bargains will make the ore look cheaper and make selling carbon and food a better deal. The AI also gets cheat resources at higher difficulties. The AI will sell the ore if it gets enough of it, but it starts thinking about the next fortress at 500 ore and won't sell automatically until it goes over 700, so the fortress gets built and if now has over 1400 nova it will buy ore since its suddenly so low on it. Just cycles like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive seen my comp ally wall up without a gate so i cant trade with him or defend his base. and since i rely on trade funds after i run out of minable nova the comp screws me up.


ive seen the comp devestated by air and not create anti-air.


ive seen the comp make no hvy assault mechs which i find dumb as they have great razing potetial and can defend themselves well. if they are atats then they can even shoot air making them pretty strong.

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