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Interesting answer from Mr. Gaber...


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Today gamesdomain.com posted an interview with Mr. Gary Gaber; he answered this: (I'll bold the important part)


Games Domain: What do you think a Star Wars fan would get out of playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds?


GG: I think he would have a huge amount of fun with the campaigns, he would have the continuing enjoyment from the single player skirmish mode as well as the campaigns. Basically, we've given a very rich experience, a very deep game. There are many units that have been created just for the scenario editor - this is the first time we've ever shipped a scenario editor in one of our games. The Star Wars fan could go in there and create a Death Star mission fairly easily, they could create Bespin missions, we've given a whole lot of art that could be placed in these different missions to create new experiences that were not even shipped with the game.



MMM... A Death Star Mission... how could you do that? The Death Star in the editor?....


A space station terrain?....


DOn't know but sounds cool. :D

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It could be a space platform that was huge and had large outcroppings and stuff. Or maybe you could make one that was inside the DeathStar. Like you had Leia and Luke and Han and Chewie and you had to find your ship and blast your way out.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

It could be a space platform that was huge and had large outcroppings and stuff. Or maybe you could make one that was inside the DeathStar. Like you had Leia and Luke and Han and Chewie and you had to find your ship and blast your way out.

Yeah, kind of like the Terran mission in SC, were you only have a handful of guys.

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